Fernando Ramírez, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Start Date: 2021

Email: fernando.ramirez@nih.gov
Phone: (301) 480-8170
CV: Ramirez_CV_0.pdf

Fernando Ramírez received his PhD in Psychology from the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany. His PhD work studied the representation of face orientation and viewpoint-invariant face recognition with a combined fMRI, multivariate pattern analysis, and computational modeling approach. He joined the Section on Functional Imaging Methods as a postdoctoral fellow in August 2021. His research relies on ultra-high field fMRI and computational models to investigate the representation of orientation and contrast information in human primary visual cortex, the biological meaning of pattern analyses of neuroimaging data, as well as feedback signals from higher-tier visual areas to primary visual cortex.