Post-doctoral Fellow

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for a post-doctoral position in the Section on Functional Imaging Methods, directed by Dr. Peter A. Bandettini. Our research involves advancing fMRI and MRI acquisition and processing methods and using these methods to better understand human brain dynamics, physiology, and functional organization as well as how they vary across groups and individuals. Specifically, we are developing, refining, and applying methodology along two avenues: ultra-high resolution fMRI and dynamic functional signal assessment. Projects associated with these avenues include layer fMRI studies, ongoing cognition, arousal, and physiological state assessment, real time fMRI and neuro feedback, separation of physiologic noise from neural signal, multi-echo acquisition and processing, and machine learning approaches for robust information extraction.

The MRI resources that our group utilizes at the NIH are extensive, including two GE 3T 750 scanners, one Siemens Skyra 3T scanner, one Siemens Prisma 3T scanner, three Siemens 7T scanners. Non-MRI resources include MEG, EEG (including simultaneous EEG and fMRI), tDCS, TMS, PET, and optical imaging. Animal imaging facilities are also available. The NIH intramural program has a world class collection of MRI researchers, with opportunities to collaborate with leaders in the field of fMRI, DTI, susceptibility contrast, parallel imaging, and molecular imaging, among other MRI-based specialties. We collaborate with groups performing research on clinical populations suffering from neurologic, psychiatric, and developmental disorders. We also work closely with the functional MRI Core Facility, the Scientific and Statistical Computing Core Facility, the Data Sharing and Science Team, the Machine Learning team, and the Center for Multimodal Neuroimaging.

The applicant must be highly independent, skilled in data processing, able to work with a team, and motivated to develop and see through questions at the interface of neuroscience and methods. The applicant should have a Ph.D. in a specialty that has utilized fMRI, EEG, MEG, and/or MRI, and comfortable with nuances of MRI acquisition, reconstruction, and processing. Training in neuroscience or neurophysiology and/or time series signal processing is desired but not essential. Above all, the candidate should have a passion for developing and advancing fMRI methods, understanding the brain, and for moving fMRI towards clinical efficacy.

The salary for the position is highly competitive. Additionally, stipend supplements are available for prior experience and expertise in areas such as physics, mathematics, engineering, and bioinformatics. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to Peter A. Bandettini, Ph.D. Building 10, Room 1D80, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892-1148, 301-402-1333, bandettini@nih.gov. TTY: MD Relay Operator at 1-800-735-2258. The National Institutes of Health is an equal opportunity employer.