Catherine Walsh, Ph.D.

Scientific Programmer

Start Date: 2023

Phone: (301) 451-2512
Address: Section on Functional Imaging Methods
Laboratory of Brain and Cognition
National Institute of Mental Health
Building 10, Room 1D73
10 Center Dr. MSC 1148
Bethesda, MD 20892-1148

Catherine Walsh recieved a B.A. in Behavioral Neuroscience from Colgate University, where she used EEG to study early visual processing. Before attending graduate school, Catherine worked as a post-baccalaureate fellow with Dr. Alex Martin in the Lab of Brain and Cognition, where she had her first experiences working with fMRI. Catherine receieved her Ph.D in 2023 from the University of California, Los Angeles where she worked with Dr. Jesse Rissman to study individual differences in memory using behavioral and neuroimaging methods. After her Ph.D., Catherine joined Peter Bandettini’s Section on Functional Imaging Methods at the NIMH as a Scientific Programmer. In this role, Catherine supports ongoing work in the lab by aiding with scientific programming, sharing of data and general IT support. Additionally, Catherine’s own research seeks to apply the novel data acquisition and analysis methods developed in SFIM to the cognitive neuroscience of memory.