Presented: November 2022
Project: Conscious Perception and State
Conference: 2022: Society For Neuroscience

There are two broad categories of conscious perception: (1) exteroceptive (e.g., seeing an image on a computer screen) and (2) interoceptive (e.g., imagination, hallucinations, dreams, etc.). The neural mechanisms that emerge these two kinds of conscious perception are not fully known. Previous studies have used imagery or patient groups with spontaneous hallucinations to study interoceptive conscious perception. The current investigation uses afterimages as a model of illusory, interoceptive conscious perception in healthy participants

Primary Aim

Use afterimages and perceptually-matched mock afterimages to identify the neural mechanisms for interoceptive, illusory
conscious perception.

File: Holness_et_al_SfN_2022_sm.pdf